Amanda Shea Rodriguez

  • Transforming Our Fear

    It is impossible to live without fear. But how we choose to acknowledge fear reveals our true character. When fear arises, we are presented with a decision: We can choose to allow the fear to consume us, sitting in the shame inevitably tied to it, or we can choose courage to face the fear. To…

    Read more: Transforming Our Fear
  • The Authentic Self

    Authenticity can only be found in stillness. There is no noise, nothing to hide behind. There is just the self. Stillness is often defined as the absence of movement. But is that really true? All particles in matter are moving, and moving rapidly. This vibration is happening a such a high speed that it becomes…

    Read more: The Authentic Self
  • The Ego vs. The Artist

    The ego is an inevitable part of human nature. It is the voice inside our head that tells us when we are too much or too little, trying to keep us safe. But the ego never tells us we are just enough as we are. The ego constantly defines and redefines expectations that are impossible…

    Read more: The Ego vs. The Artist